

Use this plugin to maintain a list of "selected" resources within a slice. This is useful for interfaces that let users select a subset of resources to perform a bulk CRUD operation on.

For instance, consider the app that you use for email. You may be able to select multiple emails, and then mark them all as read. This plugin can help with a feature like this.

This plugin is limited to supporting a single list. If you need support for multiple lists, then you may want to use the UPDATE_RESOURCES action type to modify lists directly instead.

Here is an example action creator that replaces the selectResources action type:

function selectResources(resourceType, ids) {
  return {
    resources: {
      [resourceType]: {
        selected: ids

You can build similar action creators for deselectResources and clearSelectedResources.

Note: For some historical context, the selection plugin was created before Redux Resource included support for the UPDATE_RESOURCES action.


First, you need to register this plugin for any slice that needs it. This plugin adds an additional property to your slice, selectedIds, so it comes with initial state that you should add to the slice, too.

import { resourceReducer } from 'redux-resource';
import { selection } from 'redux-resource-plugins';

const reducer = resourceReducer('books', {
  initialState: {
  plugins: [selection]

Then, you can use the action creators that ships with the plugin to manage the selected resources.

import { selection } from 'redux-resource-plugins';
import store from './store';

// Select resources with ID "24" and ID "100"
store.dispatch(selection.selectResources('books', [24, 100]));

// Deselect resources with ID "24" and ID "100"
store.dispatch(selection.deselectResources('books', [24, 100]));

// Clear all of the selected books

You can also pass resource objects. Just make sure that they have an ID!

// Selects books with ID 24 and 100
store.dispatch(selection.selectResources('books', [
  { id: 24, title: 'My Name is Red' },

To access the selected resources, you can use code that might look something like the following:

import store from './store';

const books = store.getState().books;

// Access the selected resources directly
const selectedBooks = => books.resources[id]);

Or, you could pass the selected IDs into an action creator to perform a bulk operation.

import { deleteBooks } from './books/action-creators';
import store from './store';

const books = store.getState().books;

// Initiate an action to delete all of the selected books

selectResources(resourceType, resources)

Selects resources for slice resourceType. Resources that are already selected will be ignored.


  1. resourceType (String): The name of the slice to select resources from.

  2. resources (Array): An array of resources, or resource IDs, to be selected.


(Object): A Redux action.

deselectResources(resourceType, resources)

Deselects resources for slice resourceType. Resources that aren't selected will be ignored.


  1. resourceType (String): The name of the slice to deselect resources from.

  2. resources (Array): An array of resources, or resource IDs, to deselect.


(Object): A Redux action.


Deselects every resource for slice resourceType.


  1. resourceType (String): The name of the slice to clear the selected

    resources from.


(Object): A Redux action.


  • Whenever you delete resources, you will want to make sure that you manually

    deselect them.

Last updated