Related Resources

Endpoints frequently return more than one resource type in a single response. For instance, a request for a single author may also include the author's books.

Because different backends return related resources in many different ways, Redux Resource couldn't possibly include a single built-in solution that works for every API. Instead, plugins can be used to support related resources in a way that works for your specific backend.

The rest of this guide will describe supporting related resources for the following technologies:

Would you like us to include a guide for a technology not listed here? Just open an issue!


The Included Resources Plugin works well with normalizr data. Refer to the Included Resources Plugin documentation to familiarize yourself with its API.

Here's an example demonstrating using Redux Resource with normalizr on a slice that has the Included Resources Plugin:

import { normalize, schema } from 'normalizr';
import store from './store';

const user = new schema.Entity('users');

const comment = new schema.Entity('comments', {
  commenter: user

const article = new schema.Entity('articles', {
  author: user,
  comments: [comment]

const originalData = [{
  id: '123',
  author: {
    id: '1',
    name: 'Paul'
  title: 'My awesome blog post',
  comments: [
      id: '324',
      commenter: {
        id: '2',
        name: 'Nicole'

const normalizedData = normalize(originalData, [article]);

const action = {
  // We recommend that you use the same string for the `resourceType`, resource slice,
  // and normalizr key.
  resourceType: article.key,
  resources: normalizedData.result,
  includedResources: normalizedData.entities


If you're using the redux-resource-xhr library, you can perform this normalization in the onSucceeded callback:

import { crudRequest } from 'redux-resource-xhr';
import { normalize } from 'normalizr';
import authorSchema from './schema';

export function readAuthor(authorId) {
  const xhrOptions = {
    method: 'GET',
    url: `/authors/${authorId}`,
    json: true

  return dispatch => crudRequest('read', {
    actionDefaults: {
      resourceType: 'authors',
      resources: [authorId]
    onSucceeded(action, res, body) {
      const normalizedData = normalize(body, authorSchema);

        includedResources: normalizedData.entities


At the moment, the easiest way to support JSON API compound documents is to use the jsonapi-normalizr library, and then follow the normalizr guide above.

An official JSON API plugin is being planned. We would love your help!

If you would like to try your hand at writing a JSON API relationship plugin, here are a few tips. In short, you would need to interpet the included member of a compound document. This would likely work in 2 steps:

  1. Filter the Array of included resources to find just the resources whose

    JSON API type matches the resourceType of the slice.

  2. Use upsertResources to add those resources to the slice.

You would also want to place the each individual resource's meta into the meta section of the slice.


We would love to support GraphQL, but we need your help. If you're interested in helping out, please open an issue to chat about it. Thank you!

Last updated